Saturday, May 16, 2009

Spring Babies

Canada geese can be loud, obnoxious and messy, especially if they inhabit your property. But their babies are soooooo cute. This proud family lives two doors down from my house and I drive by on the way to and from work. The property comes with a convenient pond making it a perfect habitat for them. I tried getting out of the car to get better pictures, but mom and dad would herd the three youngsters away from the fence and out of camera range. So I took these pictures out of the window of my car. It is fun watching these little guys (and gals?) grow up. Check out mom and dad giving me the stinkeye...


Lynne at Hasty Brook said...

Canada geese to have a bad reputation, but really, I think they're beautiful birds. The little ones remind me of Beanie Babies!

Beth said...

Hi Lynne and Barb: yes, they do have a bad reputation but they are handsome, handsome birds. And I am all about some fuzzy babies!


dguzman said...

I love Canadas--their plaintive honking as they fly overhead, their V-shape formation, their grousing and honking as they settle in for a night's sleep. I'll admit their poops are bigger (and way more abundant!) than kitty poos, but still I love them.