I learned lots of useful things during my trip to New River Festival in Fayette county West Virginia and the following two days in Renick at my cousin's cabin. Here are just a few...

1.) Wildflowers are beautiful, interesting and as challenging as birds to id. This is a wakerobin trillium - one of the prettiest.

2.) Cows give a lot of attitude. Check out the mug on this cutie. I got the hairy eyeball when I called him "Hamburger".

3.) You can increase your hearing when you cup your hands around your ears and open your mouth. It also makes your birding buddies laugh at you. I don't know why....

4.) I don't like snakes. No paralyzing phobias, but I wouldn't want to touch one or have one touch me. This black rat snake is on my cousin's property in Renick.

5.) The Greenbriar Trail tunnel is pitch black even at the height of the day. But the birding just outside both sides of the tunnel is amazing.

6.) McCormick's Smokehouse pepper tastes good on everything!
7.) A warm puppeh feels good anytime.
8.) Nothing ruins a good day of birding more than having to stop and tie your shoes over and over again. Double knots that get wet and muddy in the rain are difficult to undo. Thanks for showing me a new way to tie my shoes and keep them tied, Uncle Barry.
But most important of all, I learned that friends make a good day better.
I learned lots too-
A new friendship made on a fbird walk last October in Cape May feels like a forever friendship at New River.
I came away from West Virginia with a lot more than I arrived with.
For me, being there was sort of life altering. Really.
Lynne - me, too
Susan - me, too
Mary - me, too
Beth, "Fly Eagles Fly"
Rock on Keith! Can;t wait until preseason. Although I miss B Dawk already.
EAGLES!? Sheesh. This Cowboys fan still loves you though.
Great pic of the birding-ears-mouth pose!
Hi Beth,
WV has changed all of us and we came away with so much more than what we arrived with. Special friends being at the top of list. Ahh yea the birds were ok, but the fun food and fellowship was better!
I miss your infectious 'laugh' girl.
You are a hoot and that is a great picture of Susan and Chet Baker!
Delia, I try to forget that you are a Cowboys fan because I like you so much. Then you have to go and remind me....
Fly, Eagles, Fly....on the road to victory...
Beth (waiting for the first Eagles-stinkin' Cowboys matchup on Nov 8 in Philly)
Hi Britney - Welcome to my blog and thanks for the nice comments. Looking foward to seeing you on the Comments section often.
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