A house wren has moved into one of the houses in my yard and bluebirds into the second house. I think the wren finally has a mate because I often see two of them going in and out. However, no eggs yet, although the nest has grown to gigantic proportions! Now the nest is lined with feathers, so perhaps they are preparing for eggs. Trust me (I stuck my finger into the nest cup - it is quite deep) and it is soft and totally feather-lined. See how close the nest comes to the top of the nestbox? It's huge!
So pretty and dainty but doesn't holding the eggs disturb the parents?
I'll be back to see how they are dong.
Awesome! Nothing more uplifting that bluebird eggs. I tried for years, but it wasn't meant to be. I took the box down because it was continually breaking my heart.
Kathie: Holding the eggs doesn't disturb the parents, as long as you aren't chasing off the incubating parent to get to the eggs.
(Smell isn't an issue...99 % of birds have no sense of smell)
I do not go near the nest box when the parents are there. Don't want to stress them out. But they leave in the middle of the day so I take that time to check out the nest.
Word verif: leduck
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